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Japanese History in Simple English (Paper)


Japanese History in Simple English
Paper E-book

Printed in Japanese and English on facing pages!

Author James M. Vardaman
Takahiro Kokawa (translation)
Date Published 2015/03/05
ISBN 978-4-7890-1594-3
Size/Total pages 190 × 150 mm/256 pages
Stock Available
Other Details 1 CD-ROM (audio material in MP3, 3 hr. 10 min.)
Wgt: 380g

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〇Genre: English Books on Japan


Take a tour of Japanese history from ancient to modern times through English summaries (approx. 250 words each) of 100 topics, each with a Japanese translation on the facing page.

A terrific book for gaining a basic understanding of Japan.

Comes with recordings of the summaries read in American English.


Chapter 1
Ancient Period (Jomon, Yayoi, Kofun)

1. Jomon Culture
2. Yayoi Culture
3. Formation of the first kingdoms
4. Introduction of Buddhism
5. Taika Reform

Chapter 2
Nara and Heian

6. Building a Capital at Nara 
7. Kojiki, Nihon Shoki and Man’yoshu 
8. Moving the capital to Heian-kyo 
9. Fujiwara politics
10. Kokinshu, Makura no soshi, and Genji Monogatari
11. Land ownership (shoen) 
12. Rise of the military class
13. The Gempei War

Chapter 3
Middle Ages / Medieval Period(Kamakura, Muromachi)

14. Return of the Minamoto
15. Kamakura Shogunate
16. Rise of the samurai class
17. The Hojo Regents and the Jokyu Disturbance
18. Mongol Invasions
19. Kamakura Buddhism
20. Meditations on Life
21. The Kenmu Restoration and the Northern and Southern Courts
22. Ming Trade
23. The Art of Noh Theater
24. Sengoku: The Period of Warring States
25. Arrival of the Europeans
26. Sengoku daimyo
27. Castle town, port town, temple town

Chapter 4


28. Steps toward unifying the country
29. Oda Nobunaga, first of the unifiers
30. Honnoji Incident
31. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the second unifier
32. The Sword Hunt
33. International relations―Bunroku no Eki
34. Azuchi-Momoyama Culture

Chapter 5
Pre-Modern Period(Edo)

35. The Battle of Sekigahara
36. Establishment of the Shogunate at Edo
37. Destruction of Osaka Castle
38. The Feudal Class System
39. Sankin kotai 
40. Shimabara Rebellion
41. From Licensed Foreign Trade to “National Seclusion”
42. The Dutch Settlement at Dejima
43. New castle towns
44. Transportation Networks: The Kaido
45. Genroku Culture
46. National Learning
47. Rangaku: Dutch Studies
48. Persistent problems
49. Oshio Heihachiroʼs Rebellion
50. Appearance of Foreign Ships
51. Commodore Perry and the Black Ships
52. Resistance to opening ports
53. Bakumatsu tensions

Chapter 6
Modern History (Meiji, Taisho, early Showa)

54. The Boshin War
55. The Meiji Restoration
56. The Satsuma Rebellion
57. The campaign against Buddhism
58. Slogans for a New Era
59. The Iwakura Mission
60. Ito Hirobumi charts a new course
61. The Peopleʼs Rights Movement
62. Constitution 1889 
63. The Sino-Japanese War
64. The Russo-Japanese War
65. The Portsmouth Treaty
66. Annexation of Korea 
67. The High Treason Incident
68. The Road to War
69. Impact of the War
70. Following the end of World War I
71. Taisho Democracy
72. The Great Kanto Earthquake
73. Rise of the Military
74. February 26 Incident
75. War with China
76. Pearl Harbor and the Pacific War
77. Daily life under wartime conditions
78. The Potsdam Declaration and End of the War

Chapter 7
Contemporary Period (Late Showa and Heisei)

79. “Scorched fields”
80. Economic struggles with repatriation
81. First steps and a constitution
82. Economic reforms
83. Korean War and “The Reverse Course” 
84. The “Dodge line” program 
85. Conflict in Korea
86. The Peace Treaty is Established
87. High-speed growth
88. Political unrest
89. Reestablishing relations with China
90. The Second “Nixon Shock”
91. Return of Okinawa
92. The Oil Shock of 1973
93. Trade friction
94. The Bubble Economy
95. Economic Bubble Bursts
96. Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 1995
97. Subway Sarin Attack
98. Territorial disputes
99. The Great Tohoku Disaster
100. Aftermath of the Disaster



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