Japanese Language Learning > Listening


Listen to Real Japanese!

Author Written by Yoko Asano
Kazuko Shimada (editorial supervision)
Date Published 2009/05/28
ISBN 978-4-7890-1357-4
Size/Total pages 257 × 182 mm/176 pages(Incl. supplement [answer key] 16p)
Stock Out of print
Other Details 2 CDs (audio material, [1] 42 min. [2] 50 min.)
With supplement (answer key)
Wgt: 433 g

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○Level: Upper intermediate
○Genre: Listening
○Language: English, Chinese, and Korean translations are provided for words and explanations of expressions.

Intermediate/advanced listening comprehension learning resource that presents real conversations between native speakers recorded live in Asakusa, Ginza, and other parts of the Tokyo area


This resource enables users to study authentic conversational Japanese not covered by the typical textbook, by listening in on real-life exchanges set in everyday situations.
The recordings present words and expressions just as used in spoken Japanese. Aided by translations that enhance comprehension and by background information on culture, learners can have fun virtually experiencing life in Tokyo.
Classroom advice for teachers, an answer key, and listening comprehension exercise transcripts are provided in a supplement.

Unit structure
聴き取りA(Listening Comprehension A): Listen to the dialogues while looking at a related visual aid to mentally picture the scene.
聴き取りB(Listening Comprehension B): Listen to the dialogues again while reading the key words/expressions used and their meanings.
聴き取りC(Listening Comprehension C): Listen again while reading the transcripts.
もっと知りたい!(I Want to Learn More!): Commentary and information related to the unit’s theme.
聴き取りTEST(Listening Comprehension Test): Listening comprehension exercises in the JLPT format


1 成田空港で 都内へ移動して、東京観光の始まり!
  (At Narita Airport: Moving to the Tokyo Metropolitan Area and starting to sightsee around Tokyo!)

2 ホテルで ホテルに到着、フロントでチェックイン
  (In a hotel: Arriving at a hotel and checking in at the front desk)

3 浅草で(1) ガイドさんの案内で雷門から浅草寺へ
  (In Asakusa (1): Walking from Kaminari-mon gate to Senso-ji temple with a guide)

4 浅草で(2) 江戸時代から伝わる伝統菓子をお土産に
  (In Asakusa (2): Getting traditional Edo sweets as a souvenir)

5 浅草で(3) 着物姿で街を歩いてみよう
  (In Asakusa (3): Taking a stroll in a town wearing a Kimono)

6 旅行会社で 東京発のバスツアーに申し込む
  (At a travel agency: Applying for a bus tour departing from Tokyo)

7 観光バスで 1日だけでも大満足、日帰りツアーで温泉へ
  (In a sightseeing bus: Enjoying a full one-day hot spring trip)

8 駅の窓口で 特急列車で、富士山の見える箱根へ
  (At a ticket counter in a station: Traveling to Hakone with a beautiful view of Mt. Fuji by special express train)

9 地下鉄で 地下鉄に乗って、都内を自由に移動しよう
  (In a subway: Moving around the Tokyo metropolitan area freely by subway)

10 銀座で 道案内の達人がいる交番へ
  (In Ginza: Asking directions)

11 劇場で 歌舞伎が見たい! チケットを予約する
  (In a theater: I want to see Kabuki. Reserving a ticket)

12 和食レストランで 季節の材料を使った日本料理を味わおう
  (In a Japanese restaurant: Enjoying Japanese seasonal foods)

13 博物館で 楽しみながら江戸や東京の文化を知る
  (In a museum: Learning Edo and Tokyo culture while having fun)

14 コンビニで 買い物だけではない、便利な使い方
  (In a convenience store: Introducing the range of services)

15 茶道教室で 初めてでも安心、茶道の基本を学ぶ
  (In a tea ceremony class: Beginners don't have to worry; Learning the basics of the tea ceremony)

16 薬局で 体の調子が悪くなったときには
  (At a pharmacy: When you don't feel well)

17 防災館で 地震や火事から身を守る方法を覚えておこう
  (In a Life Safety Learning Center: Learn to protect yourself from an earthquake and fire)


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